luni, 30 septembrie 2013


 O amenjare de vitrina cu un buget relativ redus si cu un aspect atragator in final. Am renuntat la multitudinea de manechini din vitrina si am considerat o optiune mai buna afisarea produselor pe umerase.
Pornind de la imaginea produselor si destinatia acestora (copii), am creat un mediu familiar acestora si anume camera de joaca. Fundalul vitrinei contine un perete slat (slat panel) ce prezinta incaltaminte in interiorul magazinului, iar provocarea a constat in mentinerea acestui perete in vitrina.

Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Small budget windows for a kid’s wear shop. The background of the display is a slatwall panel for shoes, so we had to keep it in the window.
We start de design usig the image of a kid’s room, with toys and furniture. Using this theme we developed a cover layer for the slatwall and use some props for defining a room layout.
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops
Candy Kid store windows display in Bucharest by Glamshops